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Are 64 Proofs Enough?

Writer's picture: Pastor Jesse SmithPastor Jesse Smith

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Dear Subscribers,

Greetings in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I hope you enjoyed your summer. Sorry for not posting more this summer. We had a personal loss in my family and dealt with it for nearly the entire summer, but God is merciful. His promises are true, that He will direct our paths as we trust in Him with all of our hearts, according to Proverbs 3:5-6.

Back to the ministry. Over the summer I published 4 podcasts and 8 YouTube videos, so I surely stayed busy, but just forgot to do blogposts.

Lord willing, later today I'll post my next YouTube video titled, 60+ Proofs the Tapes of Bro. Branham Have Mistakes, Yet He Was a True Prophet, Part 1. I've been compiling this list of honest, human mistakes Brother Branham made over the course of the past year or so. Right now I've got 64 human mistakes Brother Branham made on tape. Yet, I believe Brother Branham is a true, genuine, faithful prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Is 64 proofs enough to convince people that Brother Branham was not infallible, as Brother Branham himself said?

Is 64 proofs enough to convince Branham Tabernacle to stop saying "every word on tape is "THUS SAITH THE LORD"?

Well, it's likely 64 proofs are NOT enough to convince Branham Tabernacle to stop spreading their false teachings, but it sure is enough to convince me that Jesus Christ is the ONLY INFALLIBLE ONE! Hallelujah to the Lamb! But I will keep praying for the elect ones to come out of the false teachings that exalt tapes to infallibility and Brother Branham to equal to Jesus. So incredibly sad. But yet it falls into prophecy that few will find the narrow road and there will be a great falling away from the faith.

It's clear Brother Branham often admitted he was fallible, human, and in need of God's amazing grace daily. So we rejoice in our honest prophet and his love for the Lord Jesus and Jesus' mercy upon his own life.

And it's clear Brother Branham spoke at times with "THUS SAITH THE LORD" and those statements ARE INFALLIBLE, because that is how God speaks to His elect. Praise the Lord Jesus!

Lord willing, I'll begin taping Part 2 of this series next week, as time permits. There are 43 remaining proofs that Brother Branham was human and made honest mistakes, and yet the anointing of the Holy Ghost remained upon him, as It remains upon us when we make honest, human mistakes. Saint Paul's words ring true as ever:

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. ROMANS 4:8

Thank you for all your support and prayers. If you have any topics of interest for future podcasts or YouTube videos, feel free to share them with via email:

The Truth keeps marching on,

~Pastor Jesse

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