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My Summer Update

Writer's picture: Pastor Jesse SmithPastor Jesse Smith

Dear Subscribers,

Greetings in the name above all names--the Lord Jesus Christ!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. By God's grace, I am 12 days into my summer break since the school year ended on May 27th.

My family just finished our week-long vacation spending our time at Gettysburg, Sight and Sound Theatre, and Amish country. We're so blessed and humbled to experience the heroism of our Civil War veterans on the original battlegrounds. God has truly shed His grace upon these United States!

It was also amazing to rejoice in the life of David. Like you, our desire is to be Christians "after the heart of God." By His grace, He will give us the desires of our hearts!

Ministry updates include the following:

  • Books: I surely want to write more books, but I feel compelled to make more YouTube videos at this time. I've already written nearly one chapter on my next book about raising a godly family, but I'm probably six months away from resuming that ministry.

  • Podcast: We recorded our next podcast and hopefully editing gets done in a week or so, Lord willing. The next few episodes will be personal testimonies of saints in our church, showing the power of God's End Time Bible Message. We'll begin with testimonies from Ameen and myself.

  • YouTube: I'm almost done with the next video titled, How To Overcome Porn & The Lust of the Eyes. It'll be close to an hour long and includes my personal testimony about how I overcame sexual sins. There's numerous other subjects I'd like to publish this summer, such as Interracial Marriage, The Dangers of Leaving the Message, and 50+ Proofs NOT Every Word on Brother Branham's Tapes Is "THUS SAITH THE LORD."

Thank you for your support and prayers. Please let me know if you know anyone who wants to read either of my books. If they live in the USA, I'll gladly mail them free paperback copies. If they live overseas, I'll email them PDFs of my books and they can listen to my audio books for free as well.

The words of Jesus from Matthew 22:36-38 come to my mind as I desire and pray to be a man after God's heart:

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.

I'll pray the same for you.

Loving Jesus With All My Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength,

~Pastor Jesse

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Jun 13, 2022

God bless you and your family!

It is so wonderful to see your little boy right there!

How'd the kids find the movie David ? Did they enjoy it?

I am looking forward for your new book about family, and also your videos: always edifying!

God bless you and enjoy your family !

Aug 24, 2022
Replying to

Thanks for the comment! Sorry for my delayed reply.

The children LOVED "David" and so did the parents! Ha! Thank you for the kind words about my family and videos. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, for without Him we can do nothing. John 15:5.

God bless you!


Caleb Kimungui
Caleb Kimungui
Jun 12, 2022

God bless you as you enjoy your vacation.

I'm here in Kenya waiting for the pdf's.


Aug 24, 2022
Replying to

God bless you and sorry for the delay. If I did not send you the PDFs, then please email me at:

Thank you very much. 🙏🏼


Jun 11, 2022

i am greatly edified by the youtube videos. they are clear, concise and Bible inspired. we are blessed to have access to your many ministries.

Aug 24, 2022
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Thanks again for your support, my dear brother. We are blessed to have one another, for we are all sinners saved by grace. We need each other. ❤️✝️ God bless you richly!


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