Dear Subscribers,
Greetings in the lovely name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
I'm down to my last week of summer vacation, and praise the Lord, it's been a great summer! From enjoying our first family vacation in years, to publishing my latest book, to celebrating 18 years of marriage, this has been a WONDERFUL summer! I hope you've had lots of time for important events as well.
Next up on my list of projects is finishing the audio book for The 12 New Testament Mysteries Revealed. As of today, I have 6 out of 14 chapters done and ready to listen to for free on my personal website. Here's the link:
Beginning tomorrow, I'll start hammering away at Chapter 6: The Mystery of Christ In You, The Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

If you missed it, my latest book came out last week after 2.5 years of laboring in the Word and doctrine. A few people have read the beginning chapters and provided some encouraging feedback:
Gene said he's "very impressed and humbled" by the book.
Simon said the Godhead chapter had "mind-blowing" thoughts and was "really, really good."
Rocco said the book's "superpower" is how I used "the Word to tell the story" rather than tell it myself.
Paul said his heart was warmed because I started the book with God's romance with us, His wife.
The audio book will be my most time consuming project for at least the next month. Then I hope to return to YouTube scripts, and I still have the same subjects on my heart as a few months ago, but have some new ones, too:
Legalism, Love, and Lasciviousness
The Lust of the Eyes
Revelation Chapters 17-22
Revelation 7:9-17 is the Bride--Not Foolish Virgin (NEW)
Lukewarmness Never Refers to The Soul (NEW)
Thank you for your time and support! If you know anyone who wants a copy of one of my books, either Restoring Modesty or The 12 N.T. Mysteries, please let me know. If they cannot afford the books, I will mail them out for free. If they live outside the USA, I will email them the PDFs for free, plus a love offering to pay for printing costs to print both books. In fact, I just did that today for a pastor in Nepal so he could print both books and teach the Bible truths to his congregation.
Enjoy the last days of summer and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all in His holy name!
~Pastor Jesse